She's very gentle, patient and maternal toward children, and takes excellent care of them even on the most hazardous trails. Although she’s not tall, she’s quite stout and is an excellent mount for most ladies and even youths until they are ready to take the responsibility of a full-sized war-horse. She is small enough that a bold Hobbit or daring Dwarf could claim her as war-pony, but as good as she is with the children, anyone who thinks to take charge of her will have to very-well prove themselves and her attitude is such that not many would dare to do so.
Training and experience: Rána is a bold and self-sufficient mare who needs either a truly experienced rider who has the skill to direct her strong will, or a true novice who will allow her to care for them. She has an eagerness for the trail and an unflagging ambition in chasing the far horizon. While she is trained and competent in the arts of war, her compact size puts her rider at a disadvantage if they are riding against other Cavalry. Unless the situation is so desperate that even women and children are riding to battle, Rána is better used as a courier, or for journeys of any length.
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