Most unfortunately, the children kept treats in their pockets and Beri will constantly nudge and sniff anyone (peasant or king) standing near, even to the point of lipping and tugging at their clothing. She's also prone to search any packs and bags left in her reach, either digging at them with her hoof until the contents are scattered or by nipping the bag in her teeth and tossing her head. She'll go quietly for an unsteady rider, and is unflappable in most cases, but woe betide the seasoned warrior who gives her a moment of inattention. She's accustomed to voicing her opinions on issues that are primarily the riders decision.
Of prime concern to her is the speed of travel, she

If the rider chances to choose the 'wrong' trail (according to her infinite wisdom), she'll show her displeasure by slowing and finally coming to a sullen and immoveable halt.
Beri is changeable, as mares are prone to be, and is known by different names according to her mood. We have AngelBeri and EvilBeri and on occasions when she's being more like herself than usual, we recognize that she's being VeryBeri.
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photos of Beri swimming here:
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